Yup. We all do it (or at least I think we do). Even with every birthday and other special date listed on our calendars and/or electronic planners, these special days still manage to slip by us. And by "us," I mean "me." I always have the best of intentions to get cards (especially birthday) signed, sealed, addressed, and out the door to the mailbox on time. Lots of times, I'm able to mail cards to arrive just in time. Sometimes, I'm a bit early. But more often than I would like, my cards (even special ones I've made waaaaaaay in advance) are rather tardy in making it into the mailbox. Which makes them even tardier in arriving. It's not that we (I) forget, it's just that time gets away from us (me). I know it's going to happen, so I may as well be prepared:
"I'm late. I'm sorry. I hope your birthday was happy!"
This card was totally inspired by the Chevron Chic Challenge in the Moxie Fab World. Cath Edvalson challenged us to create a paper-crafted project that incorporates chevron stripes in an innovative way. Well, I must admit that when I hear "chevron," I immediately think of Charlie Brown and his yellow and black striped sweater. I can't help it!
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Charlie Brown Pictures - Pictures
Charlie Brown Pictures - Pictures
And thinking of Charlie Brown leads to his trademark phrase, "Good Grief!" The two had to appear together on this card, but why on earth would a card say "good grief?" Well, to poke fun at the sender being late (again?), of course! And thus, this card was born. :)
Years ago I downloaded an awesome TrueType font called Peanuts which looks just like the handwriting Charles Schulz used to letter the speech bubbles in his Peanuts comic strips. To make my card, I created some chevrons in Microsoft Publisher, added my sentiment in this authentic-looking font, and printed out the yellow panel all ready for mounting on a black card base. No stamps were harmed in the creation of this card!
I'm not sure where I picked up the Peanuts font originally, but I did a quick search and found something comparable HERE for you to check out if you are interested.
I did a little bit of horn-tooting for my daughter over the weekend (see this post), so before I go, I wanted toot my horn for my 8YO son. On Sunday his Cub Scout pack threw its annual Blue and Gold Banquet during which he advanced from Wolf Cub Scout to Bear Cub Scout. We couldn't be more proud!! Not only did he earn his Wolf Badge for his hard work this past year, he also earned a gold arrow point and four silver arrow points for completing 50 electives during the course of the year. Yay!! He was beaming with pride. Now I just need to get the new badges sewn on his uniform shirt so he can proudly wear his new awards for our Memorial Day Parade on Monday. He'll be marching with his pack--while his sister marches with her Girl Scout troop. It will be quite a day. Fingers crossed for no rain!!!
Thanks so much for dropping by to share in my little slice of bliss for this beautiful, warm, and sunny Tuesday!
Card Recipe:
Font: Peanuts (www.searchfreefonts.com)
Software: Microsoft Publisher
Paper: SU basic black, gold from The Paper Company